Melissa P.
96% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

TOP RATED EXPERT VETTED SEO|PR|Social Media|Copywriting|Cert Shopify

I possess 24 Years of Digital Marketing Mastery! Are you ready to supercharge your business growth??! Services I provide: Medical Virtual Assistance Dental Virtual Assistance Executive Virtual Assistance Project Management Medical Billing SEO Email PR Content Web/Shopify and Wordpress Contact for pricing Imagine having a digital marketing partner with over two decades of experience at your side, guiding your brand to unprecedented success. Look no further because I bring you 24 years of unrivaled expertise in VA, SEO, social media, Google Ads, PR, Amazon and outreach, Clickfunnels, and I am a Certified Shopify Consultant – all designed to skyrocket your leads and revenue! Why Choose Me? 🌟 ✅ Proven Track Record: With 24 years of experience, I've mastered the digital marketing landscape. My results speak for themselves – I've catapulted countless startups and corporate giants to the top! ✅ Tailored Strategies: Your business is unique, and so are my strategies. I create customized solutions that align perfectly with your goals and brand identity. ✅ SEO Sorcery: Dominate search engine rankings with my cutting-edge SEO techniques. Watch as your website climbs the ranks, attracting more organic traffic than ever before! ✅ Social Media Wizardry: Harness the power of social media to engage your audience, build your brand, and drive conversions. I craft captivating content and execute targeted campaigns that get results. ✅ Google Ads Mastery: Maximize your ROI with our Google Ads expertise. I create high-converting ad campaigns that put your brand in front of the right audience at the right time. ✅ PR Prowess: Boost your reputation and credibility with our PR strategies. I secure media coverage, endorsements, and partnerships that elevate your brand to new heights. ✅ Outreach Excellence: Expand your reach and connect with your audience personally. Our outreach tactics build valuable relationships and open doors to new opportunities. 🌐 My Success Stories 🌐 Picture this: A startup going from zero to hero in record time, a corporation doubling its online presence, and businesses of all sizes achieving unparalleled growth. These are just a few stories showcasing my digital marketing prowess. 💼 Join the Ranks of My Thriving Clients! 💼 Take advantage of the opportunity to revolutionize your business. Let my 23 years of digital marketing mastery be your secret weapon in SEO, social media, Google Ads, PR, and outreach. 🔥 Act Now! 🔥 Your competitors are already moving, but you can leapfrog them with my expertise. Take the first step towards digital marketing success – contact me today! Ready to skyrocket your leads and leave your competition in the dust? Contact me now to schedule a consultation. 🚀 With 24 years of experience, I am not just an expert but an innovator, visionary, and partner in your success journey. Let's create history together!

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  • Website Redesign
  • Social Media Optimization
  • Editorial Calendar
  • Fortune 500 Company
  • Marketing Audit
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Email & Newsletter
  • Blog

Get started working with Melissa quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Melissa quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get great social media posts for Facebook and Instagram!

From $425
5 days delivery

You will get an amazing logo for your business!

From $350
4 days delivery

You will get 10 page ebook with copy and design fully formatted in 14 days

From $850
14 days delivery