Andrew C.
South OgdenUT
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Spreadsheet Wiz, Google Apps Script Fan, Automation Enthusiast

I am an endlessly curious problem solver. My specialty is in spreadsheet work, Google Apps Scripts, and automation. I strive to deliver all projects with an incredibly user-friendly interface and a straightforward and easy implementation. --------- As you work and design your systems, if you find yourself thinking, "there's *got* to be a better way!" — there is. Let me help you find it and design it. --------- Most recently, I worked at an ad tech company where I especially loved the projects where I got to organize data and automate, script, and simplify tasks for others. Previously, managed a stock footage library, including organizing large amounts of data via Excel and Google Sheets. (additional skills: Airtable, Zapier, macOS automation)

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  • Scripting
  • Google Apps Script
  • Google Sheets
  • Google APIs
  • WordPress