Print Trail
We help you to create professional books
Over two decades' experience in book publishing, working with companies including universities, start-ups, SMEs, and freelancers. • Specialist in management and delivery of book publishing projects involving publishing long-form documents, including books of all types (fiction, non-fiction, art, children's, reference, memoirs, novels, technical, ebooks, lead-generation books). • Book cover design and typesetting • Proofreading and copy editing • High-quality printing • Global print-on-demand distribution • Order fulfilment from warehoused stock in the UK and US • Global ebook distribution • Deep experience working with companies of all sizes, as well as individual self-publishing authors • We will fully project manage your brief from start to completion • Clear communication We enable design and marketing agencies and freelancers to offer professional publishing services by working with us as a partner (including white label).
Graphic, Editorial & Presentation Design
Professional book production including cover design, typesetting, ebooks