Neeswarth FZE
At Neeswarth, we believe in challenging the status quo and in thinking differently, out of the box and innovative solutions by making our projects beautifully designed, user-friendly and simple. We happen to make significant IT products for our customers. NEESWARTH is derived from a Hindi term meaning self-less gain. We believe in projects that help customers solve problems and move forward with no self-gain of neeswarth. We happen to get great customer reviews. At Neeswarth, we believe Technology is just a medium to solve problems, be it a small owner shop with an e-commerce solution or a big enterprise requiring complex issues, including approvals and work flows. We deliver excellent user experience and journeys to solve these riddles with our in-house technical experts. NEESWARTH is a Tech company whose sole aim is to provide solutions and help our customers achieve more and grow more. We take pride in our work and the number of problems we can solve. MISSION: "To help our customers achieve more with our innovative and best in class solutions within a trusted and honest environment. Respect and Courtesy towards our clients, staff, vendors and society". Vision: To be a globally respected organisation that provides best-in-class solutions leveraging technology and use our expertise and business intelligence to catalyse change and take the world forward.