
This is a one person agency. I created it to comply with some of legal and tax regimes in Poland related to freelancers. The main focus of my work is promoting B2B SaaS and blockchain products for my clients through relevant social media communities to boost awareness and expand their user base. I primarily accomplish this by creating high-quality content for my clients on platforms such as Quora, Reddit, LinkedIn, Product Hunt, Kickstarter, Y Combinator News - because these platforms are known for having informative and trusted communities of professionals in these areas. I have extensive work experience as a web developer and blogger, CPA marketing expert, productivity expert (utilizing OKR and GTD methodologies), and structural analysis engineer (I also gained valuable experience during a one-year period of onsite work in Seattle, WA, at the main Boeing manufacturing facility). Examples of my work can be found in the portfolio below and on my personal website - sergeykin.com My marketing experience includes: - Writing and curating content for clients' websites and social media platforms, including Reddit, Quora, LinkedIn, Y Combinator, Pinterest, and Bitcointalk. I have a Reddit account with 100k+ karma and the "Best Link of the Day" award. My Quora account has 10k+ answers, with a total of 12 million answer views and 1500+ followers. - Moderating Reddit communities (subreddits) related to blockchain and cryptocurrency products. This involves creating and curating topics, responding to comments. - Promoting SaaS products on Product Hunt through Reddit. - Promoting Amazon products (for the Amazon Associates affiliate program) through Reddit. - Marketing Amazon FBA online courses and software through Reddit and Quora. - Adapting clients' websites' content and functionality to enhance social media sharing. - Conducting niche research, analyzing competitors, and monitoring clients' feedback on social media. - Successfully removing clients' domains from Reddit blacklist and AdBlock filters. - Working with ChatGPT - using it as a virtual assistant and marketing for ChatGPT-related products.

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