Mobile Solutions
Mobile and Web Development
I’ve worked in Computers since 2008. I started as python server-side developer at small game Studio (iJet Media) which develop one social game “Mafia”. At 2009 studio started publish social games from China at Russian social networks. I started work as lead at platform development for improve integration processes. A new structural unit was successfully created (more than 20 specialists). The Department has made the integration of more than 50 applications in more than 25 social networks around the world. Billing group integrated to i-Jet platform more than 25 billing systems. At 2011 mobile applications market started grow very fast and I come to Saritasa LLC company (branch at Yekaterinburg). During last 4 years I managed many complex projects for mobile devices (usually with not trivial backend). Now I have big experience at this area and can answer main questions: Is it possible to make? What instruments we should use? How many time/money we need for this?