Hello, I am wide range specialist. My acquaintance with computers started with programming on Assembler, Basic and command line. As freelancer I am working in next fields of computer skills: - Microsoft Office: Word, Excel (with simple VBA scripts), Power Point etc; - Acrobat Pro, LiveCycle: fillable forms (static & dynamic), editing etc; - OCR (Finereader): from scanned text to any formats. - HTML editing etc; - translation English-Russian, Ukrainian (specialization - drilling boreholes & wells). Also I can working with the: - some translation and testing programs; - Corel Draw, Photoshop, 3D Max, Xara and Paint; - Solidworks, Kompas-3D; - archivators, recovery tools and other utilits; You may be sure if I take a project this will be completed in terms and with high quality. You can look on my portfolio. With Best Regards, Alexander