DTX Business Solutions

Merchant Cash Advance Leads Generation


I'm Tanvir Alam, Director of DTX Business Solutions. DTX Business Solutions is one of the largest and experienced call centers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We have been doing lead generation for Private Lenders for over 4 years. Our highly experienced and educated team are generating top quality MCA leads everyday. These leads are being Qualified by our two step Quality Verification. So any bad lead, we are ready to replace them immediately. These leads are: * 100 % Exclusive Leads, * All business owners or decision makers, * Making over $15,000 of Monthly Gross, * Doing business for over a year, * No Bankrupt, * No current outstanding. * Most of them have been declined from bank. * They need money now or in couple of weeks. Please feel free to contact me to discuss more about our MCA Lead Generation Service. Thanks

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Jul 27, 2015