The Red To Black Editing Company
Professional proofreading and editing services
Ranked by Elance in the TOP 1% for English skills and ranked by Upwork as #1 (as of Nov. 2015) for English spelling and the top 10% for Basic English skills. I manage our small company of three but each of us share in the editing. (Upwork's, profile may only show me as active, this is not the case.) We truly enjoy helping you perfect your writing; we form a close collaboration with all our clients. As a small, family owned and operated business we strive to make our clients' documents shine. My son Christopher is our primary editor with a BA in English and years of professional editing and publishing experience. My wife Judy is also an accomplished editor and published author with a BA and M.Ed. I have a BSEE and MSBE and am also a published author; I primarily manage the business and provide technical expertise when needed. We are committed to providing you with high quality proofreading and editing services. We use a two editor approach as part of our review process to ensure a thorough critique. We also offer multiple reviews at no extra charge. You will always have the same two editors on any job and we never farm out our work to sub-contractors. We can help with both technical and non-technical documents, books of any genre, dissertations, web sites, business presentations, advertising copy and just about anything that's written.
Editing & Proofreading
Red to Black Editing provides proofreading, developmental edit/copy edit, and manuscript evaluation services.