High Standard Web and Mobile Development
Specialties PHP (YII/YII2, CI, Zend, CakePHP, Kohana), Android SDK/JAVA, JQuery Mobile, Phonegap, IOS/OOP, Javascript (JQuery), AJAX, HTML(HTML5)/CSS(CSS3), API, Social Networks, Payment Systems, Maps, etc. WebDevExp was created in 2015, a rapidly growing team of developers working in such fields of web technologies as: iPhone applications / Objective C, Android SDK PHP, MVC, MySQL, DHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX Phonegap, jQuery mobile, HTML5/CSS3 Graphical and UI design We offer you the product that is performed by the most experienced and skillful developers in the above mentioned fields. Be sure that opening the contract with us is the guarantee that all your requirements and deadlines will be met. The personal approach to your project will make it different and unique from the rest of the market. We look forward to work with you!