Enlightened Financial Press

Where dreams become reality


We have successfully published books for own imprint, negotiated the sale of foreign rights, and negotiated the sale of our books to major publishers. We have also assisted individual author/publishers in developing their own publishing companies for the same cost that it would be if they went to a vanity publisher, while retaining more money and 100% of the reprint rights. Publications released: 2009 - Trade Like a Pro, negotiated release by John Wiley and Sons 2008 - Winning the Trading Game, negotiated release by John Wiley and Sons -- : Futures for Small Speculators, Forex for Small Speculators, Futures for Small Speculators: Companion Guide, Single Stock Futures For Small Speculators 2003 - Speculating with Traditional Commodities, Futures, and Forex Parts 1-3 (8 hour video series)

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Oct 6, 2015