Genius Media, Inc.


Here’s an all too common tragedy. Someone has a great idea for a book and they devote months or years to perfecting a gorgeous work of art. They invest a lot of money to get the book properly edited and formatted and they pay an artist to create a fantastic cover. After some searching, they find a company to promote their book and they think “New York Times Bestseller List, here I come”. Then reality hits. They sell less than a hundred books. They only get ten or so positive book reviews from friends and family. Their wonderful book sits on whatever platform it’s been published on and languishes. The promoter blames the book (“It’s just not good enough”, “It needs more work”, “Re-write it and it will fly”) and the author blames the promoter. Or how about this sad scenario. An aspiring author sends his manuscript off to traditional publishers and is rejected by them time after time because, “Sorry, you’re not a celebrity or a published author so we aren’t interested in you”. In desperation, the author pays some bogus vanity publisher thousands of dollars to become a “published author” only to discover that they will do nothing to promote their book. I want you to know that I have been there, I have walked in your shoes. It’s beyond frustrating to have a great finished book or a terrific manuscript and no one in the media world will give you the time of day. I know that you would happily invest more of your hard earned dollars in your book – better editing, a better layout, a stronger cover, a new marketing campaign, etc. – if you believed that your investment would likely yield significant results. I've been looking for you. You’ve come to the right place. It’s time to give your book a real opportunity to succeed.

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Oct 19, 2015