Callahan Creatives
Game writing, scriptwriting, copywriting, and editing
Imagine--you're a game developer, indie author, or small businessperson. Suddenly, sirens blare. Red Alert! The need for fresh, creative content IS IMMINENT. When that awful day arrives, who do you want by your side? • Rebecca Callahan—author, scriptwriter, and organizer extraordinaire. Never late to a fight or a Skype meeting. She once shot a deadline just to watch it die. • Linus Callahan—the charismatic bard of this group of rogues. He can write copy in any voice, from the clipped patter of a Golden Age radio announcer, to the single-sourced artisanal stylings of a Brooklyn Microbrewer. • Theresa Kostelc—a gentle soul who drinks endless cups of tea as she makes your manuscript bleed. To stay in top editorial form, she sleeps on a bed of dictionaries, and pillows her head on the Chicago Manual of Style. When the need for true creativity attacks, don’t settle for lesser ink-slingers. Hire the best, or be ignored like the rest.