

I love hearing great ideas, and I’m keen to hear yours - but first, let me tell you a little bit about me, and my web development business, Tgrrr. Tgrrr began as a small one-man operation on a beach in Vietnam. I worked on small projects and startups with the many intelligent, creative entrepreneurs I met in my travels. While I was idea-hatching and dream-bigging with the best of them, I couldn’t help but notice that I was always ‘that guy’ in the group that helped everyone get their projects off the ground. I have always had a fascination with computers and the online world. This has kept me alert to changes and developments in technology, and led me to develop and absorb a useful cache of skills and knowledge. My technical abilities were continuously called upon by the inspired people around me. And so, in embracing my role as ‘helpful geek friend’, Tgrrr was born. 10 years later, my services have grown beyond simple web development and social media, to include ● Business strategy, ● Project management, ● Digital content creation, ● E-commerce, ● Web analytics, ● and Film. I love meeting people with big dreams, and helping them succeed. I love the rush of ideas that comes with a new project, and then the strategy, analysis, and technical execution that follows. I love when a client get noticed because of our work together. Now based in Melbourne, I work with a small handpicked team that can: ● Create handsome websites ● Rejuvenate existing websites ● Build sleek mobile apps ● Make podcasts ● Generate quality content: Text, images, audio and video ● Produce professional feature and short films ● Advise on strategy and business planning So that’s me. Now I’m eager to hear about you – your story, your project, your idea. I’m already excited. I can help you make it happen – and I’m sure you’re curious about the cost – I know I would be. Get in touch and I’ll be happy to provide a free estimate for your project, and discuss what we can achieve together.

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Nov 30, 2015