Lion Heart Love

Messaging that moves you.


You want to be great. And be remembered. So let's uncage your Lion Heart — in you and your work. We're two seasoned creative agency hot shots with days jobs and spare capacity — and we’re looking to play with new people and new ideas. This means you get access to world-class talent, not exactly pro bono, but at a huge discount to our agency street rates. We get a chance to contribute to your success with great work and meet people we otherwise wouldn't — it's our way of helping you change the world for the better. But our ideas are your ideas. We insist on taking no credit, and we’ll never publish or reference the work we do. Whether you're a Lion Heart, or want to become one, we work with people at all levels of success and ambition — whether you're a start-up with a good app idea and no marketing experience, or Fortune 500 executive looking for fresh ideas on the down-low. CMOs and VPs use us as their confidential allies to focus strategy, improve their creative output, make more confident decisions, and get more value from their ad budgets and creative messaging. We even help with creative team building ideas and decision making. Storytelling, video, commercials, new campaign concepts, logos, brand visuals, a letter to your boss, poster, web concept, ad concept, copy, print ad, radio spot, brand or sales strategy, direct mail piece — whatever your creative, admin or marketing team need, we can add BIG value — we've got the people, talent and we're great Dudes to work with. From idea to production, we jump in and fill the gaps at any or every stage, large or small. Whatever your needs, don't delay. Get us working on your success, starting now. Just one proviso, our capacity is limited, so act fast — and make your work great. And memorable. You’ll look in the mirror and Love your Lion Heart. Your boss and customers will too.

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Jan 11, 2016