Spider Communications Inc.
Helping Entrepreneurs With Their Tech Startups And Projects And Making Them A Big Success | Blockchain | Machine Learning | IoT | Cloud | Data Analytics
✦ Ideas are a dime a dozen, what counts is execution ✦ Entrepreneurs come up with million-dollar technology ideas, but don’t know how to get started. As a pragmatic entrepreneur, you are tasked with taking it from the back of a paper napkin to the real world. Do you want to achieve this without giving up any ownership to investors, becoming slaves to VCs, wasting a big budget on needlessly expensive teams of developers, or getting burned ever again? Are you getting bogged down by conventional wisdom and misconceptions? Do you want: 👉 Confidence where there was once uncertainty 👉 Clarity where there was once confusion 👉 A clear straight line where there was once resistance and lack of direction → COST SAVINGS We have taken over projects originally quoted in the multi-six-figures and turned them around for one-tenth of the cost. The key is knowing how to build a team and then effectively managing it. Most companies want the benefit of outsourcing, but don’t have the desire to manage it. We alleviate that stress while completing projects at a much lower cost. → EVALUATING TECHNOLOGY There are many reasons to evaluate technology: ▪ Start-ups bring in seed money for their latest-and-greatest app or piece of software and then need to confirm it will stand the test of success. ▪ A development team completed a project, which must be tested to ensure it has been done correctly. → CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES ▪ Machine Learning ▪ Deep Learning ▪ Computer Vision ▪ BlockChain ▪ ICO Infrastructure → PROVEN TRACK RECORD ▪ 50+ projects delivered ▪ Small to large scale projects ▪ Multiple patents ▪ More than $500MM value delivered in 20 years