10 years of successful Web Development
We are the IT Company developing high quality Web-orientated projects of the any difficulty level. We are the team of developers and each of us is a professional in his sphere. Thanks to our great experience and focus on new progressive technologies, our products are stable and effective. The confidence of our clients and intention of the new specialist to join our team is based on our rich experience and the great number of successfully performed works. Technologies used: Python: Django, PIL, BeautifulSoup, lxml, urllib, lxml, xlrd, xlwt, sorl.thumbail, south, etc. Blockchain: Ethereum Smart Contracts, Solidity, truffle, bitcoinlib, infura, geth, etc. Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, redis, memcached Javascript: jQuery, AJAX, Backbone, Underscore, ExtJS 4, etc. HTML/CSS: Bootstrap, Sass, LESS, HTML5, CSS3 Search: ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Solr Message Queue: RabbitMQ Distributed Computing: celery API: GoogleMaps, HighCharts, AnyChart, AmCharts, Stripe, Barchart, Facebook, etc. VCS: git/svn/hg Server administration: Web-servers: apache/nginx + uwsgi OS: centos/debian Mail: postfix/dovecot Auth: ldap/sasl/kerberos Monitoring: nagios, newrelic, sentry Backup: backup-manager Other: denyhosts, openfire, Amazon Web Services And also: -More than 10 years of common Web development experience -High quality source code and its support -Experience in development of high loaded projects -Customized approach to each project: designing, deep case analysis, finding and offer the optimal solutions, working out of usability, planning, modeling, testing and debugging from start to the very end project production -NDA (if needed) -Teamwork. 24/7 available