
In the past 5 years as a freelancer, I have been helping small and medium businesses achieve enterprise-level web and mobile applications using a combination of LARAVEL/PHP, HTML,CSS, and MYSQL. I am a full stack Laravel/PHP & VUE js developer with skills in both optimized front-end and backend development. These powerful tools provide stable, efficient systems that can handle multi-tenant apps with thousands of users distributed locally or worldwide. My core competency lies in delivering a product on-time and in-budget, for desktop or enterprise-wide web and/or mobile application deployment. My Core Skillsets: - Laravel/PHP with VUE js development - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jquery - Front end Development using VUEjs - RESTful API - Webpack, Laravel Mix - Laravel Forge - IBM Lotus Notes/Domino development and Administration - MySQL, CouchDB, CouchBase, PouchDB - Github, Bitbucket, Jira, Trello, Pivotal Tracker - WordPress - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Lightroom I also develop in Alphasoftware - Alpha Anywhere product (similar to MS Access - but much faster and more efficient). I have extensive, specialized skills for Alpha Anywhere development for desktop, web and mobile applications. I particularly like the challenge of converting MS Access applications to web applications using PHP/Laravel or Alpha Anywhere based web and mobile applications. Before I became a freelancer, I have over 20 years software development experience, 15 years of that was developing and administering IBM Lotus Domino systems and infrastructure. I have deployed various Domino networks for IBM and HP all over the south pacific including Australia and New Zealand. I still work on Lotus Domino development and Administration today, just to support the technology. I like working with different cultures particularly with the Americans, Australians, Canadians and British as well as other Commonwealth countries.

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Apr 28, 2016