Left Brain Online Marketing

Facebook ads and Online Sales Optimisation


Left Brain Online Marketing was established after owner Louise Griffiths had a successful career in both advertising and in various freelance online marketing roles. We specialise in supporting small businesses to scale and automate the lead generation and sales process online. We support clients with both Facebook Ad services as well as with strategic 1:1 support to strategise, implement, monitor and optimise online lead generation and sales activities. We work with a range of clients all over the world, including local businesses, online service businesses (such as coaches and consultants) as well as those selling both physical and digital (courses etc) products through online channels. We focus strongly on 3 key areas: 1. Awareness (Traffic and Lead generation) 2. Acquisition (Online Sales Optimisation and Onboarding) 3. Ascension (Repeat Purchasing, Retention and Loyalty)

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Internet Marketing
Lead Generation
Keap Marketing
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing
Marketing Strategy

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Member since

May 9, 2016