We love your data even more!
Here in Tiresian we're doing our best to provide our customers with the highest-grade expertise and affordable resources to transform data into valuable business insights. From heterogeneous data providers through own well-tuned data environment to sophisticated yet intuitive reporting — we support our clients on each and every step of their data universe. Feel free to reach out to us with any of your questions and we'll make sure you get the right answer. The expertise of our team is extensive and is not limited to the following tools and technologies: - Looker - Tableau - SQL - dbt - Data Visualization - Data Warehousing - Query profiling and optimization - ETL - Rundeck - Data Pipeline - AWS - Snowflake - PostgreSQL/Redshift - MySQL - MS SQL - NoSQL - Hadoop/Hive - Cassandra - MongoDB - Hubspot Reporting - Mode Analytics - Hex