Wisterio Solutions
Java-J2EE,Spring framework,Elastic search,Android development,Cloud deployment
Over the last more then 15 years, We have developed a wide range of products, tools and frameworks using JAVA,Spring,JDBC, J2EE , jasper resport,Hibernate , JDO ,Servlet, JSP,GWT , MySQL,Oracle and couchbase server(No Sql) and build tool like maven,ant,ELastic search,gradle,TestNG,Junit,Jmeter.Experience in developing shoppify store. 1. Complete end-end management of Java project. 2. Looking for opportunities to build applications your business. 3. Have good knowledge in Angular JS, Mobile application and phone gap,Docker. 4. Enterprise architect of your application using class,sequence,flow diagrams form sparx Enterprise Architect. 5. Testing the Web and Mobile App Using Junit Testing,Jmeter. Features - a) Responsible for overall technical quality, developer for lower implementation decisions. b) Expert in Securing your Application/Web Services / REST Services by strong certificate based authentication and encryption. Implement services security easily. c) Very Efficient in search based application have experience in Elastic search also. d) Expert in cloud hosting like DigitalOcean etc. e) Test Driven Development.