Access the top 1% of talent and get matched within 2 business days. No upfront fees.
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pre-screened top talent
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With no sales calls, no subscription fees, and no cost to join, you can sign up now to start building your team of top talent.
What is Upwork Business Plus and how do I join?
Business Plus is a new membership plan for clients that is currently in beta. You can sign up for free here.
What benefits do I get with Business Plus?
In addition to all the features and benefits available with Upwork’s Marketplace plan, Business Plus includes:
- Instant access to Expert-Vetted talent, the top 1%, pre-screened by our Talent managers and experts in their field for hard and soft skills to ensure the highest level of competence, reliability, and communication skills (learn more).
- Expertly matched talent sourced and shortlisted within 2 business days (limit 1 per job post).
- 24/7 premium customer support
- Additional reporting and dashboard insights.
- On-demand coaching for hiring and managing contracts.
- Monthly invoicing with 30-day payment terms. When available, Net 30 payment terms require Business Plus clients based in the apply and be approved.
How much does Business Plus cost?
Business Plus is free to join, and when you hire on Upwork, you pay a 8 or 10% Business Plus fee on all payments that you make to freelancers for fixed-price and hourly projects, Project Catalog projects, and bonuses. The discounted Business Plus fee of 8% is available for eligible clients in the U.S. who pay with a checking account. Check to see if you’re eligible here.
Pricing for all of Upwork’s client membership plans is available here.
How do I cancel Business Plus?
Any client with Admin Full access can downgrade their Business Plus plan to the Marketplace plan at any time. You can manage your membership plan for your Upwork account under Settings/membership/change_ plan. There are no penalties or restrictions for upgrading or downgrading. Changes will take effect immediately.
How can I upgrade to Upwork Business Plus?
Any client with Admin Full access can upgrade their Marketplace plan to Business Plus at any time. Manage your membership plan for your Upwork account under Settings/membership/change_ plan. There are no penalties or restrictions for upgrading or downgrading. Changes will take effect immediately.
How do I get 30-day payment terms?
Business Plus clients based in the U.S. may be eligible to apply for monthly invoicing with 30-day payment terms. The application process requires you to provide details and documentation about business including banking and trade references.
Upon submission, the Upwork team will review your application and email you with our decision within 5 business days.
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