iOS Developer
We are seeking an experienced Senior iOS Swift Developer to convert an existing Proof of Concept (POC) into a robust SDK.
The current POC has been developed using iOS Swift within a test application. It leverages the TrueDepth camera to capture 3D models of objects and enables user interaction with the 3D scans.
We now require this functionality to be encapsulated into an SDK that can be integrated as a third-party library in other applications. Additionally, a few enhancements need to be implemented in the SDK, such as the ability to export the 3D models and other feature improvements.
Key Requirements:
Strong experience with TrueDepth camera functionality in iOS apps.
Proven expertise in developing SDKs in Swift for iOS.
Ability to optimize performance and provide well-documented SDK code.
Fixed-price - Expert Experience level
- Remote job
- One-time project Project type
Skills and expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 10 to 15
- Last viewed by client: 3 weeks ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- Pakistan Lahore 21:47
- US$1.7K
total spent 5 hires, 0 active
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- iOS Developer Fixed-price