Paraskevas P.
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Excel, Access, VBA, and Power BI Developer

I’m an Excel, Access, VBA, and Power BI Developer. I develop, write, and customize top-quality code in VBA that allows me to create custom, high-performance applications for my clients. Do you find yourself struggling with repetitive tasks in Excel? Deep inside, you probably think that there is a more efficient way to do the same tasks without spending hours of work on the same trivial tasks over and over again. Guess what? You are right! You will be amazed at the time you will save daily! And as you know, time means money! I have delivered over 800 projects in the last eleven years (in two freelancing platforms) and would love to add you to my 500+ list of satisfied clients. My ethics and working code involve regular communication through the chatbox and Zoom meetings. I will not accept your project unless I fully understand its scope and am confident of delivering it on time and within budget. What are you waiting for? Let’s set up a quick Zoom meeting and get started!

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  • Macro Programming
  • Visual Basic for Applications
  • Greek
  • File Management
  • Microsoft Windows

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