Michael S.
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Generative AI for business

7 years of commercial experience in Software Engineering / Software Architecture 7 years of commercial experience in ML, NLP, NLU, NLG Helped brands like Adnoc ($12.38B market cap) and Rogers ($24.21B market cap) through partners Data-driven methodology References from AI opinion leaders Consulting/Research Results in Numbers: - Average reduction in project expenses: 20-70% cut in costs - Average acceleration rate in integration and development cycles: 40-80% faster - Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): 95% CONSULTATIONS, DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT OF: Proof of concept (POC), Prototypes, Demos, Production-ready products, like: Scientific papers reproduction Complex AI application for text understanding Data-rich systems for text processing Search / Question-Answering systems Text / Documents classification apps Text mining and analysis systems Ontology-based systems Text clustering systems Knowledge representation systems Text generation pipelines Chatbots, Prompts engineering Large-scale language models training ML models benchmarking, profiling, optimisation Graphs analysis Documents analysis Other? Just write me a message! Data-rich SaaS applications development with micro-service architecture SDLC best practices, Continuous integration, Scrum / Agile Trainings and masterclasses for your organisation: - Generative AI and ML bootcamps and training sessions (2-3 days) - Best practices in AI risk management: masterclass (3-5 hours) - Best practices in AI integration (2-3 days) - Generative AI innovations management (1-2 days) Need a team? I will help with targeted AI teams creation from scratch, hiring AI experts, tech interviews / skills assessment Technologies: Programming language: Python 3 Databases: SQL/NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Neo4J Search engines: ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Apache Nutch, Apache Lucene, Solr, Custom from scratch Deep Learning frameworks: Torch / PyTorch Restful API with Flask, Django, Django-REST, Nginx, Gunicorn System: Debian, Ubuntu; Containers: Kubernetes, Docker Tools: Numpy, Pandas, Spacy, Gensim, Transformers, NLTK, CoreNLP, Other Large-scale language models: Any model from HuggingFace, Any LLM API, OpenAI, FB LLama3, Google T5, Custom models from scratch! Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Principal Component Regression (PCR), Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), Other Ontologies: RDF, RDFS, OWL, SPARQL, Apache Jena, Open Cyc Cloud computing: Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure APIs: AWS, Google, Azure, any other Hardware: CPU, GPU, Multi-GPU, TPU ML models benchmarking, profiling, optimisation Graphs analysis AI for Medical research: PubMed biomedical content processing Other? No problems, just write me a message * The money-back guarantee program is exclusively tailored for established companies meeting specific criteria: a minimum annual revenue of over $500k, a track record of at least 5 years in the market, a strong reputation, and possessing all necessary legal and tax documentation. Requires additional contract before we start. Ask me for the details. This program ensures a refund if the service fails to meet your expectations.

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  • Natural Language Processing
  • Software Architecture & Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Feature Extraction
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Process Optimization
  • API

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