Gaurav G.
New DelhiIndia
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Robotics Engineer | ROS, ROS2, Simulations

►About me ○ 7 years of providing software development services for autonomous robots ○ Helped take 5 major robotics products from idea stage to market (Raising $5m+) ○ Full stack robotics developer - SLAM, Perception (AI), Motion Planning, controls, ROS, ROS2, Simulations (Gazebo, Unity, Webots), devOps, UI dashboards ►Key services ○ Autonomous robot prototyping: From idea stage to market launch (manipulators, and wheeled/tracked robots) ○ Simulations: Custom and advanced process simulations for robotics application (Gazebo/Unity3D) ○ Specialized problem solving: A specific R&D solution for your robotics applications ►ROS packages ○ SLAM - SLAM Toolbox, Gmapping, Hector SLAM, google cartographer ○ State estimation - robot_localization, AMCL ○ Stacks - nav2, move_base, moveit2!, moveit! ○ Web-UI - rosbridge, roslibjs ► Past projects on autonomous robots ○ Forklifts weighing tonnes of kilos for pallet movement across factories. ○ Cleaning robot for deployment at airports and hotels. ○ Warehouse sorting system with 100+ robots with coordinated movement. ○ Perception integrated arm robot for assisting veterans- object pick place, door opening, other manipulation. ○ ROS2 architecture for fleet of autonomous boats
Work history

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  • Robotics
  • Python
  • Robot Operating System
  • OpenCV
  • Unity
  • Simulation Software