I am a seasoned professional with extensive experience in the field of embedded systems. From bare-metal programming and real-time operating systems (RTOS) to automotive and space applications, I have a deep understanding of the entire spectrum. Whether you need assistance with design and architecture consultation, development or porting services, I am well-equipped to tackle any challenges you may be facing.
Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of clients, delivering successful solutions tailored to their specific needs. Some of my satisfied clients include:
- Siemens: Automotive networking stack (TCP/IP, AUTOSAR, Diagnostics)
- Microtech: Smart electricity meter (DSP, STM32, TI)
-Intive: Driver fatigue detection system (SWC, AUTOSAR, ASPICE)
-Wairify: Air purifier (LIN, STM32)
- SS: Bootloaders and device drivers (CAN, LIN, UDS, J1939, DoIP)
-Knowgas: Tank remote sensing (STM32, CAN, I2C, MBED, ARDUINO)
-Reis Informatica: Vehicle tracking system (EFM32, Bootloader, NB-IOT)
- Vahaa: Indoor smart garden using ESP32 (ESP32 CE Certification, AWS-IOT)
- Suparco: Satellite data-handling subsystem (Infineon, FreeRTOS, CAN)
- EvansWerks: Indoor smart lighting system (BLE, RF, Mesh, NRF)
- MonasticAcademy: Drum-beat synchronization detection (ESP32, ESP-IDF, ESP-ADF)
I take pride in delivering top-notch solutions and providing exceptional support to my clients. If you're struggling with any embedded systems-related issues or require expert guidance, I am here to help you overcome them efficiently and effectively.
The Industries I've worked for, include:
- automotive, autosar
- smart metering
- aerospace
- Internet of things
- Industrial automation, remote sensing
- consumer electronics
- medical devices
- robotics, control systems
- silicon devices
- telecommunication, internet
Over the years, I have worked on the following MCU architectures/chip families:
ST: STM32Fx, STM32Gx, STM32Hx, STM32Lx, STM32Ux, STM32Wx
TI: TM4C, MSP43x, TMS570, C2000: TMS320, TMS320F28xx
NXP: LPCxx, i.MxRT, S32K, iMX8
Nordic: NRF52, NRF53
Microchip: PIC16F, PIC18F, PIC24F, PIC32F, ATmega, 8051
Infineon: XMC1100, XMC4500 Aurix TriCore: TC2xx, TC3xx,
SiLabs: EFM32, EFM8, C8051
Renesas: RH850
Espressif: ESP32, ESP32-C3, ESP8266
Others: u-blox, Simcom sim900, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi
Feel free to reach out to discuss your project requirements or explore how we can collaborate on your next venture.
My specialties in embedded software, include:
Firmware, Device Drivers, RTOS: Nucleus, FreeRTOS, TI-RTOS, Bootloader, Application Software, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Cryptography: AES, Static Analysis: MISRA, C-Cert, Communication Protocols: I2C, UART, SPI, CAN, LIN, Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi, Ethernet, TCP/IP, TCP, UDP, MQTT, Bare-metal or frameworks: Zephyr, mbed, Arduino framework, LwIP, cycloneTCP.
- DoIP, SoAd, SOME/IP, PduR, RTE, Embedded, Embedded Software, Embedded Devices.
- Embedded Systems, Firmware, Microcontroller, Operating Systems, RTOS, Bootloader, Cortex-M, ARM, RISC
- CAN Bus, UART, LIN, I2C, SPI, BLE, Bluetooth, WiFi, Zigbee, MQTT, CoAP, LoRaWAN, Ethernet, TCP/IP
- Embedded C, C++, C#, Real-time Systems, Low-Level Programming, Bare-Metal, Interrupt Handling, OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), Version Control (Git, SVN), Agile Development, TDD (Test-Driven Development), Static Analysis, Traceability, Cross Compilation, GCC, IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil MDK, Eclipse, Code Composer Studio
- Hardware Design, System-on-Chip (SoC), Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Sensors, Actuators, Power Management, Analog and Digital Design, Power Electronics, Energy Harvesting, Power Management
- AUTOSAR, Automotive Software Architecture, Basic Software Modules (BSW), Communication Stack, Diagnostic Stack, ECU Abstraction Layer, Complex Device Drivers, MCAL, SWC, DLMS, DoIP, ECU, VCU, BMS, ISO26262, ASPICE, ADAS, SOMEIP, J1939, UDS, CANOpen, Transport Layer
- IoT, Embedded Networking, FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air), Middleware, IoT Protocols, AWS IoT, Particle, LoRa (Long Range), NFC (Near Field Communication), RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification), Cellular Networks (3G/4G/5G)
- Memory Management, Heap Memory, Stack Memory, EEPROM, Flash
- Embedded Security, Cryptography, MISRA, C-CERT, Secure Coding, SIL (Safety Integrity Level), Fail-Safe Design, Redundancy
- Embedded Systems Testing, Validation and Verification, Simulation and Modeling, Test Automation, Test Frameworks, Code Reviews, JTAG, Debugging, ISTQB
- Software Architecture, FreeRTOS, mbedOS, Zephyr, Arduino Framework
- CppUnit, EmbUnit, WireShark, CANoe, CANalyzer, PLIN, PCAN, Bullseye, LATEX, Doxygen
- Metering, Industrial Automation, Consumer Electronics, Medical Devices, Smart Mobility, Smart Metering, Energy Metering