Add Pricing blocks to WP Product Page
Word Press Kallyas Theme using Zion Builder
Standard Word Press / Woo Commerce Product page needs to show Pricing block like the attached image.
Product is an online course delivered through LMS Learndash.
User needs to be able to choose either Basic $99 or Premium Version $149 from the pricing block and proceed through checkout. The User must receive access to the course immediately after checkout.
Pricing Blocks as seen in the attached image, (and) radio buttons, if necessary, to effect the same choice.
If the Basic Version is purchased, the upsell to the Premium version should be presented at checkout.
The upsell product is a $50 Upgrade product which includes downloadable material. This must also be made available instantly upon checkout.
If possible, I'd like to make this upsell offer to Basic Version users at various stages throughout the course.
Fixed-price - Expert Experience Level
- Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: Less than 5
- Last viewed by client: 4 years ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- Japan Yokohama 12:04 PM
- $7.3K
total spent 47 hires, 0 active
- 77 hours
- Individual client
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