Affiliate Program - Coordinator
2 quarters ago
We are looking for individuals with experience in affiliate marketing.
This experience could include work you did with companies or projects that utilized affiliate programs, or marketing or sales teams that dealt with people on commission, etc.
This candidate should be familiar with social media and content, and have great people and communication skills, as this position will include communications with our affiliates and partners.
Quirkiness and interesting, generalist backgrounds are a great fit with us.
We are now accepting proposals for this position!
- Less than 30 hrs/week Hourly
1-3 months
- Intermediate Experience Level
Hourly - Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Marketing Strategy Services
Customer Acquisition Strategy
+ 1 more
Affiliate Marketing Project Management
+ 3 more
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 5 to 10
- Last viewed by client: last month
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
Member since Oct 27, 2015
- United States New York 6:40 PM
- $77K
total spent 427 hires, 84 active
- 6,906 hours
Small company (2-9 people)
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