Alex Hormozi Style Editing
Listen Closely I Im Looking For People For My Editing Agency. People that I can have on my team that will be able to edit at least 3-5 short-form videos a day We will train you but you to edit to our standards but you will be paid $3 a video
Here is that task, I already have an editor that makes videos the way I like so I am going to have the file so you can see how he edits.
Socialbloom's Values are
-Speed( we need 1min videos done in less then 3 hours)
-Quality( we need you to edit in the exact style we want, while also looking over the captions 3 times before sending the file to save us time. We also want the least revisions needed! That means when we send you our requirements sheet you need to study it to have the least revisions, the only revisions that are justified are captions because we give you all you need for everything else)
-Communication( you need to let us know about problems and also send screenshots of captions that you are unsure of so that we can easily fix it without the wasted time of rendering)
Look at our files if you don't confidently think you can provide this then don't apply! God bless you all
(What Good Looks Like)/ (Our Quality Standard)
- More than 30 hrs/week Hourly
1-3 months
- Intermediate Experience Level
Hourly - Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 5 to 10
- Last viewed by client: 2 years ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States Lake Worth 5:59 AM
- $5.2K
total spent 202 hires, 23 active
- 1,011 hours
Sales & Marketing
Small company (2-9 people)
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