Amazing Video Editor Needed with All the Bells & Whistles for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook
I am looking to make several polished, finished products for my social media videos. I'm a writer and inventor, and my current video series promotes my book while getting a little preview of what each of my inventions is. I need someone who can efficiently make sure it's high-level and ready to get my platforms to at least 100k subscribers.
As I mentioned, I want the bells and whistles that capture people's attention similar to some of the most successful videos out there. I know a lot of those videos can be pretty cheesy, but I won't ignore their success and want to inject a little of that style into my videos which are sometimes serious and sometimes pretty funny.
I have already produced and had editing done for my first episode, but I will need an editor for Episode 2 and the many that follow. I hope you're up for the challenge!
I have a YouTube Channel already with a small amount of videos, PowerTower1975, but this is a project that will boost me several levels to be producing them on a regular basis. The project is part-time for now, but if we are highly successful this will become a long-term job to promote my upcoming book series and be a video series in itself. Impress me!
- Less than 30 hrs/week Hourly
6+ months
- Expert Experience Level
Hourly - Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 10 to 15
- Last viewed by client: 3 years ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States Buena Park 9:14 AM
- $498
total spent 4 hires, 2 active
- 7 hours
- Individual client
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