2D Architectural Plans from Video and Real Estate Listing Photos
We would like to have a series of 2D architectural plans (for a general purpose construction estimate). We do not have access to the home. We do not have plans (built in 1955).
There is a video of the home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ir8sRXYqOw
And several still-life images: https://hotpads.com/5-lambs-ln-cresskill-nj-07626-1j927vy/pad (use 'Gallery' function to see all available images)
We will potentially purchase full plans when we proceed with the land purchase and hire a contractor.
We would like you to create a series of 2D plans + a few renderings that would be sufficient to get a rough estimate from a general contractor for construction costs.
- Hours to be determined Hourly
< 1 month
- Intermediate Experience Level
Hourly - Remote Job
- One-time project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 10 to 15
- Last viewed by client: 4 years ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States Wood Ridge 10:27 PM
- $117K
total spent 133 hires, 2 active
- 5,839 hours
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