Arduino + Bluetooth Help to set up noise monitor
3 quarters ago
Need help in teaching me how to setup & program an arduino UNO R3 and bluetooth module (HC-05) to detect sound using an LM386 amplifier.
Need to connect everything and guide me step by step on how make the arduino send sound signals (in decibels) received from the piezo disc to my phone via (a) bluetooth and (b) LoRA.
Record information in a spreadsheet using cloud system keep a datalog.
Fixed-price - Intermediate Experience Level
- Remote Job
- One-time project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Cloud Platforms & Software
Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Engineering Services
Cloud Implementation
Arduino Bluetooth LE Bluetooth
+ 1 more
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 20 to 50
- Last viewed by client: 3 quarters ago
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About the client
Member since May 25, 2014
- United States San Diego 5:03 PM
- $903
total spent 5 hires, 0 active
- 9 hours
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