Article Writer needed for full-time (Jasper + SurferSEO)
We're looking for a diligent, hard-working Virtual Assistant.
You must have some SEO / content writing skills, good English command, a fast internet connection, and a reliable laptop/computer.
This is a full-time position—you must be available 8 hrs per day with time tracking enabled, at least at the beginning of our collaboration.
You will be asked to do things like:
- Write or edit articles (Jasper, SurferSEO)
- Create or resize images (Canva, Photoshop)
- Schedule social media posts (StoryChief)
We have a premium account on all these platforms.
You must be available for a Zoom video interview.
Apply with the words "I'm ready for the interview, Ebaq", so that I know you've read this job description.
Serious inquiries only!
We're looking for a long-term collaboration.
Thank you,
- More than 30 hrs/week Hourly
6+ months
- Expert Experience Level
Hourly - Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
- Contract-to-hire This job has the potential to turn into a full time role
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 20 to 50
- Last viewed by client: last year
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States Brooklyn 9:48 PM
- $675
total spent 13 hires, 0 active
- 118 hours
Art & Design
Individual client
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