Colorful, storytelling, illustration wall graphic (large format)
Hi Creatives!
I'm looking to commission a large format illustration art piece that features buildings our company has built. The piece will be a vinyl (or similar) wall application that is approx. 10ft tall by 20ft wide. I am looking for an illustrative style that tells a story and features people doing various activities set in Seattle with Pacific Northwest style. We have 7 buildings we've done/under development and I will provide architectural drawings or line art to design from. The wall does feature a white board and door/window so there will be gaps to design around. The art can use white space and does not need to cover all of the wall. I have attached an image style that resonated with my team to give you style context. We have brand colors we can work within as well.
- Less than 30 hrs/week Hourly
1-3 months
- Intermediate Experience Level
Hourly - Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 10 to 15
- Last viewed by client: 4 weeks ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States Seattle 6:26 AM
- $400
total spent 1 hire, 1 active
Real Estate
Mid-sized company (10-99 people)
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