Dyula (N'koo script) transcribers required
We are looking for Dyula Transcribers from Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali, western part of the country to help us with our transcription project (Dyula audio to Dyula using N'Ko script).
Latin = Wanba. Eh wanba tɛ yen wa?
N'Ko = ߝߊ߲ߓߊ. ߏ߫ ߝߊ߲ߓߊ ߕߍ ߦߋ߲ ߏߊ?
Be sure you know this N'Ko script well before applying.
The work will be done on a Google platform for audio to text.
1. Login on the platform with the ID/password provided
2. Find your file on the platform
3. Transcribe the audio you hear in the already created segments using some tags like unintelligible, Foreign speech, and Pii (personal information).
The pay rate will be discussed after the interview. The total quantity is 3000 hours, divided into different slots and a team of 10 candidates. Payment will be made every 30th of each month. The project duration is 1 year if we go slow. But please note that you need to have 4 GB RAM and at least a PC/LAPTOP for the platform to run.
Interested candidates can send proposals.
Thank you.
Fixed-price - Entry level Experience Level
- Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: Less than 5
- Last viewed by client: 3 days ago
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About the client
- India Ahemdabad 10:08 AM
- $55K
total spent 864 hires, 510 active
Tech & IT
Small company (2-9 people)
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