Event Videographer and Photographer: Bend and Portland
We are looking to hire someone to film and take photos of a construction company project launch, which we estimate will be less than three hours long. This will consist of bringing and using lighting, background (if necessary), cameras, etc to record the client's construction story, a video of an architect talking about their vision for the house during the event, and general film and video of the event. We will mostly drive the client interview.
Where: We plan to have one event in Bend, Oregon, and one in Lake Oswego, Oregon
What we are looking for as a finished product:
A client interview video that is edited, with audio, and under 5 minutes once finished
An edited architect story video that is edited, with audio, and under/around 5 minutes once finished
General photos and video of the event
Required Skills:
Strong vision to help lead this project, so we don't get caught in the details.
Leading informal video interviews
People skills
Setting up and filming people, interview style
Candid videography
Collecting clear audio in event settings
Required Equipment (a rough list):
Video camera
Microphone or other proven method of capturing crisp audio in a group setting
Video editing software
- Less than 30 hrs/week Hourly
1-3 months
- Intermediate Experience Level
- Remote Job
- Ongoing project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 5 to 10
- Last viewed by client: 2 years ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States 12:11 PM
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