Graphic Designer Needed to Photoshop Photos Onto Existing (3) PSD Templates
Good day, I am looking for a graphic designer that can add photos to 3 pre-existing PSD templates (and update names)
For each guest, there needs to be 3 png outputs created, (Youtube Thumbnail, IG Story and Post).
Templates have been created for each type (Youtube Thumbnail, IG Story and Post).
The designer would need to take the source headshot, for 5 people (Alexis Kerr, Gabrielle Corney, Terry Williams, Jason Mayden, Chasitie Lindsay) and create three png graphics for each based on the template files.
Note: Must Remember to Update the Names in the templates.
Output Deliverable are 15 png files, 3 for each guest above, in a dropbox, or zip file within duration.
Access to FIles, SAMPLE and PSD templates:
Fixed-price - Intermediate Experience Level
- Remote Job
- One-time project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 15 to 20
- Last viewed by client: 2 years ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States Jersey City 7:25 PM
- $4.7K
total spent 31 hires, 5 active
- 78 hours
- Mid-sized company (10-99 people)
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