MP4-video hover/mouse-over effect instead of image for portfolio item in WordPress
We are using the Quart template from Qode Interactive:
Our homepage is like this:
I have uploaded the website for you convenience to (homepage).
On our home page (, you can see the Carousel Slider with several (video) portfolio items. Each item consists of a thumbnail image and a hover/mouse-over (GIF) image. As you may notice, when hovering on an item, the GIF image is shown/played instead of the thumbnail image, but it’s not clear and quite pixelated. Therefore, for each portfolio item, we want to be able to select/configure an MP4 video (uploaded to the Media Library) instead of GIFs or JPGs for the hovering effect.
When you want to edit a Portfolio item of the Carousel Slider, you need to go to the "Edit Portfolio Item" page of that portfolio item (in wp-admin) as follows:
- Log into wp-admin;
- Go to the homepage (;
- Click on a portfolio item (the portfolio item page opens);
- Once the page is loaded, click on "Edit Portfolio Item" in the upper black bar.
In the "Edit Portfolio Item" page, the thumbnail image is configurable in the bottom section of the right panel area called "Featured Image". The functionality of that part is fine. In the main area of that same page, under the section "Mikado Portfolio Settings" (in the part that is also called "Featured Image"), the hover/mouse-over effect is also configurable, but as explained it does not support the selection of MP4 files as hover/mouse-over type – only JPG or GIF. Therefore, we want to customize that part in order to allow us to show selected uploaded MP4 files in the Media Library as "Featured Image" for the hover effect and to play these videos in the Carousel Slider on the homepage on hover/mouse-over events.
Let me know how you want access to the website in order to work on it.
I can upload for you:
- The complete website packaged using WP plugin "Duplicator" ( It consists of an installer.php and a ZIP file. It is easy to use if you know how to use/restore Duplicator packages.
- Otherwise, the complete website packaged as just WP-files/folders and database separately.
Attached you will find:
- "Edit-Portfolio-Item-WordPress.pdf": a screen-capture of the "Edit Portfolio Item" page where I show you where to find both "Featured Image" sections (one for the thumbnail and the other for the hover effect).
- Less than 30 hrs/week Hourly
< 1 month
- Intermediate Experience Level
- Remote Job
- One-time project Project Type
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- Proposals: Less than 5
- Last viewed by client: 2 years ago
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About the client
- Netherlands Rotterdam 9:50 PM
- $602
total spent 5 hires, 1 active
- 33 hours
- Mid-sized company (10-99 people)
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