Awais M. Status: Offline
Wah CanttPakistan
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Software & Hardware Builder & Fixer, MVP/POC Expert

I am a Software & Hardware Mechanic. I build and fix software & hardware systems from requirements to implementation and also provide consultancy or the same. Please contact me for your "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP) / "Proof of Concept" (POC) development, requirements management, System Solution develpment with or without using of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration, Machine Learning and more. Some of the software technology stacks that I am expert in include C#/VB.NET ASP.NET/MVC/Webforms, .NET Framework and .NET Core, ReactJS, Angular, Next.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, TypeScript etc. I also provision and lease hardware & Software for you based on your custom high=performace dedicated server and VPS requirements as per monthly/yearly contracts with high internet traffic (1TB+) support and dedicated NVM storage with huge RAM requirements. I can deploy any of your apps/systems on your server/desired hosting service or a custom provisioned server.
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  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • HTML
  • SQL
  • Network Administration
  • Microsoft IIS
  • Twitter/X Bootstrap
  • ASP.NET Core