Krutik K. Status: Offline
100% Job Success

API Integration with Amazon, eBay, BigCommerce, Shopify, Walmart

I am a java developer with the experience of API Integration and GUI based software. I connected different e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, Bigcommerce, Shopify, Walmart and many more. eCommerce : - API Integration with Amazon, BigCommerce, eBay, Etsy, Shopify, Walmart. - Shipping software like shipstation, shipbob. - ShipStation custom store Integration. - FedEx, UPS - Finale Inventory API - QuickBook API - Twillo Messaging Service - Google Sheet integration - ZOHO Books, ZOHO Inventory. - Google Merchant - Paypal - Repricer Skills: - Core java, J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring security, Servlet, Struts2 - GUI (Java Swing, JavaFX) - JDBC, Hibernate, JPA. - Web services, Restful API. - HTML, JSP, Thymeleaf. - CSS, JavaScript, JQuery. - MYSQL, Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL. - Subversion Tool : github, bitbucket/gitlab. - Task management JIRA, Trello - Maven, Gradle - Tools and IDEs (Netbeans, Eclipse, Intellij IDEA)
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  • BigCommerce
  • MySQL
  • Shopify
  • Spring Boot
  • RESTful API
  • eBay
  • Amazon
  • API