Penny H.
Cape TownSouth Africa
100% Job Success

Technical writer specializing in software documentation

ADD VALUE TO YOUR BUSINESS OFFERING Documentation adds value for your customers, helping them to use your products effectively and understand your business and what it offers them. Documentation - user guides, blogs, workflows, FAQs, a KB - marks you as a professional outfit. The result: a knowledge ecosystem for your products. INVEST IN ME - YOUR NUMBER ONE CONTENT RESOURCE But, there are only so many hours in the day and you're too busy to labor over the nitty gritty, dotting i's and crossing t's. I'm here to help. I can run with any documentation- or content-related task you can throw at me: proofreading, editing, article review, content flow revision, adding screenshots, topic research, etc. I am able to work efficiently independently, and describe complex ideas and processes simply and logically, leaving you to get on with the business of running your company. But, if you know precisely what you want, just forward your brief and I'll get on with it. EXPERIENCE COUNTS I have 10+ years experience and a host of satisfied customers who keep coming back for more. Over the years I have delivered content for onboarding new customers and staff, showcasing and explaining new products and features, I unpack complex technical concepts, step through application workflows, polish and update existing content and help customers implement a custom content roadmap,
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  • Instruction Manual
  • FAQ
  • Blog Content
  • User Manual
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • User Guide Writing
  • Documentation

Get started working with Penny quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Penny quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get insightful, unique input about your industry from interviews with experts

From $150
14 days delivery

You will get clear, concise, clean web content to ease the burden for your weary editors

From $140
10 days delivery

You will get eight hours to professionally customize your software documentation

From $300
14 days delivery

You will get a unique article to showcase your technical and business innovation

From $125
10 days delivery