Edwin Alfonso M. Status: Offline
Santo DomingoDominican Republic
100% Job Success

Copywriting, Translation/Transcription

Hello, Im a 26 year old doctor in medicine with a minor in research, who happen to have lived during his short life time in a few different countries and got the privilege to learn and master a variety of languages. These include Spanish (Spain - my birth place), German (Germany - the place I grew up and I went to school) and english (which I learned in school and got to improve in different situations). As a doctor Im used to work for a long period of time as well as during stressful situations and to always deliver my best. Im also trained in working long hours on my computer to study and to get essays done. This kind of skills help me to get you, the results you are looking for with the highest standards and in the shortest time possible.
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  • English to Spanish Translation
  • Blog Content
  • Spanish to German Translation
  • German to Spanish Translation
  • Spanish to English Translation
  • SEO Writing

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