Ivan G.
Tijuana, Mexico
Developer jr
Hello, I am Iván Alexander González González. I have 4 years of
experience in junior full-stack web and mobile development. My way
of communicating and working in a team is through using, writing,
or Slack. I study at Platzi, where I take professional technology
courses. I am pursuing a career in Front End Architecture with
React.js. I am 24 years old, I am a deaf person, and I really enjoy
learning everything related to technology.
*I completed an entrepreneurship project and won second place.
I studied at the Universidad Tecnológica de Tijuana in the TSU
program for Engineering in Software Development and Management,
and I used TSU development tools.
*I worked at Grupo Guru - Web Page Design - Tijuana B.C. I did my
professional frontend internship there, specializing in creating web
pages using the CMS WordPress for 4 months.
*I worked at G-Global Industrial as a software engineer, where I
gained experience in WMS and TMS, providing optimal solutions