Sarwar A. Status: Offline

Full stack web developer | Wordpress | Laravel

Hello, I am Sarwar A Kawsar. Since 4 years I am working in web development team to develop wordpress theme and plugin. Currently individually I am working for some premium wordpress theme project and some plugin development task. I can make any kinds of dynamic website's like social media, search engine, web directory, eCommerce, blog or any customized web app with using wordpress CMS or Custom CMS by HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, PHP and Mysql . As well as I am familiar with mssql and oracle database. Here isn't enough about me or my skills. So, please feel free to contact if you are interested in me. Regards Sarwar A Kawsar
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  • SQLite
  • Laravel
  • Vue.js
  • MERN Stack
  • Redux
  • Vuex