Anshul K. Status: Offline
50% Job Success

Senior Software Developer + Designer (Full Stack Developer)

I am Anshul Kumar, a Senior Software Developer + Designer (Full Stack Developer) having more than 9-years of experience. I have grown with technologies like Ruby on Rails, React, jQuery, TypeScript, and I am very passionate about these. I have worked on various domains like dating and social networking, finance and banking, the online auction system and e-commerce, pos systems, data center automation, health care, real estate, etc. Listed below are my experience and skills. - Programming Language: Ruby. - Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, React. - Web-servers: Apache, Nginx. - Familiar with cloud-based hosting (AWS) and Heroku, Amazon AWS, EngineYard, Rackspace. - Backend: MySQL, Memcache, MongoDB, Redis. - PayPal, Stripe integration. - Facebook, Twitter, Github, Linkedin Integration. - Core web: JSON, HTML/HAML/SLIM, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, TypeScript. - CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Materialize, Zurb Foundation. - IDE: VS Code, Atom, Sublime text 2/3. - VCS: Git. - Bug/Issue trackers: Jira, Redmine. Apart from programming, I can do some system administration work (install Ubuntu or Debian on the server, install and configure RVM, Ruby, Nginx, Unicorn, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis) Anshul Kumar Senior Software Developer + Designer (Full Stack Developer)
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  • Ruby on Rails
  • TypeScript

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