Park R. Status: Offline
SeoulSouth Korea
100% Job Success

Your Korean business secretary, agent l any tasks related to Korea

I have been working as a professional conference organizer over 10 years which requires effective communications, attention to details, and wide range of task organizing. As a business secretary and agent, I can help clients with following tasks and more 1. Find Korean Supplier list for your business partner (Contact Information and Supplier Details) Have 3000 + reliable supplier data from cosmetics/ fashion/ daily supplies industry. (Organized B2B Biz Matching Events for 4 year) 2. Korean Product Searching / Buying / Overseas Sending (K-pop items) 3. Korean market research (any industry with NAVER key words rank data) 4. Translate English to Korean / Proofread Korean writing documents 5. Search Korean websites you are interested in 6. Actual site visit to research the market (Fashion/Beauty and others) 7. Marketing/ Ads for K-pop celebrities 8. Business Email/ Phone Call/ Meeting with Korean business partners of yours 9. Any other tasks that you may need from Korea.
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  • Meeting Agendas
  • Korean
  • Voice Recording
  • Marketing
  • Survey
  • Buying
  • Interpersonal Skills