Scott U. Status: Offline
WashingtonUnited States
86% Job Success

PCB, Firmware, and Product Developer

10+ years of freelance product & project management for PCB design and layout, firmware programming, and rapid prototyping. Here is a non-exhaustive list of relevant software/protocols/chipsets: - Strong C++, C, and C# - PCB layout and schematic capture with Altium, Cadence, Eagle, etc., with multilayer, flexible, high-speed embedded systems - FPGA programming with Verilog/VHDL: Altera Quartus, Xilinx, iCECube - Experience with low-cost MCU/single-board prototyping platforms: Arduino, Beaglebone, Raspberry Pi, NanoPi, etc. - ARM: ATSAM, STM32, PIC32, A13, FreeScale, MSP, NXP - MPU: Pic33F/18F/16F, Atmega 80251, 8052, 8951, 8051, 16, 32, 128 - Digital interfaces and wireless transmission: UART, I2C, SPI, BLE, BT, GSM/GPRS/GPS, xBee, ZigBee (particular experience with BLE HM10, HC05, ESP32, DA14508, nRF52832, 52840, BlueNRG) I also have a background in mechanical engineering and industrial design; I can implement my work into fully realized products for you. Expect me to help your business as if I am growing my own.
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  • Electronic Circuit Design
  • LED Physics
  • Wireless Communication
  • Firmware
  • Power Electronics
  • Core Bluetooth
  • ESP32