Muhammad Abdullah T. Status: Offline
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.Net Core | AWS | MVC | C# | LAMBDA | Wso2 | ESB| Selenium | Twilio

Hi There, I am an expert level Web application developer, I have been working in the software industry for over 8 years, My strengths include C#,Asp.Net (MVC) and Angular. I also have extensive AWS experience working with services including EC2, DynamoDB, Lambda functions, RRS, Event Bridge, SES, Route53 and AWS Lightsail. I have created alot of event driven solutions with WSO2, Message Queues, Business Process, ESB as well. My software development experience includes developing desktop applications, Dashboards, Surveying Software's, websites, and applications of various types and Large Scale Web Systems. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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  • Microsoft IIS
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • ASP.NET Core
  • API Integration
  • WSO2
  • MVC Framework