Raymiah J. Status: Offline
HumbleUnited States
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Music Composer and Engineer

In addition to teaching audio and sound recording at the collegiate level, I have composed soundscapes for soundtracks and completed post-production work. I am an AVID Pro Tools certified user and I am very comfortable in Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Studio One and Reason. My mix tools include Slate Digital and Plugin Alliance software. I master with a combination of those tools and Izotope products.
Work history

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  • Studio One
  • Audio Recording
  • Game Audio

Get started working with Raymiah quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Raymiah quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get stellar music to accompany your words! Sheet music included if requested.

From $50
1 day delivery

You will get a phenomenal soundscape to accompany your visual media.

From $250
15 days delivery

You will get a fantastic mix of a song from wav files sent

From $100
7 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"Raymiah has demonstrated fine leadership abilities and technical knowledge and skills that helped me communicate with my students online. Since we were all required to use ZOOM on our computers, instead of physical classes, Raymiah went online with me and showed me the nuances of ZOOM, and what to expect from utilizing this program. He also was knowledgeable in the detection of the microphone problem I had during instruction. I went to him with a problem, and his problem-solving ability in this area was on target. He explained the laptop microphone that I was using was causing me to sound like I was in a cave. Then he recommended that I get an external microphone to help cure this problem. It was easy to hook up and satisfied my ability to communicate online. The best part about working"

Christina M.
Nov 2020


"I commissioned Raymiah to produce an original musical score for my short film in 2005. 15 years later, that score is the only aspect of the project that withstood the test of time. People still ask me where I got the music on the occasions I screen the movie!"

Emil A.
Soundtrack Jun 2020
